Cool Photos from the ENCL
Our catalyst article in Chem highlights critical roles of nanoscale interfacial chemistry in water management.
Our cover art that highlights a mega collaboration review paper in Chemical Reviews that discussed Oxide- and Silicate-Water Interfaces and Their Roles in Technology and the Environment. This mega review made the cover art in May issue of Chemical Reviews. link to the paper
Our cover art that highlights our report on supercritical fluid assisted selective extraction of rare earth elements from coal fly ashes made the journal cover of RSC Sustainability, March 2023, Link to the paper
Our cover art that highlights our report on the effects of reactive halogen species on abiotic manganese oxidation made the journal cover of Environmental Science: Nano, October 2022, Link to the paper
Our photothermal membrane work made the journal cover of Accounts of Chemical Research, May 2019, Link to the paper
Our photothermal membrane work made the journal cover of Environmental Science & Technology, January 2019, Link to the paper
Our Communications Chemistry paper entitled "The apparent activation energy and pre-exponential kinetic factor for heterogeneous calcium carbonate nucleation on quartz" was highlighted in the webpages of Newswise and the Department of Energy's Office of Science. Link to the paper (It is open access!)
Our Nature Communication paper entitled "The Role of Confined Collagen Geometry in Decreasing Nucleation Energy Barriers to Intrafibrillar Mineralization" was highlighted in the webpages of National Science Foundation and Argonne National Laboratory. Link to the paper (It is open access!)
Chemical Communications' April 2017 cover art. Our new publication was featured. A novel two-step abiotic Mn2+ oxidation pathway by nitrate photolysis unlocks fast δ-Mn(IV)O2 nanosheet formation from aqueous Mn2+. Link to the paper
Prof. Jun was the lead guest editor of Environmental Science & Technology's Special Issue on Carbon Sequestration, 2013.
Link to the Special Issue Click here to read the feature article
A new book chapter by Prof. Jun has been published in April 2016. This is a part of "The Iron Oxides: From Nature to Applications," following the famous Iron Oxides book by Cornell and Schwertmann, Wiley-VCH.
2017 Calendar designed by the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Washington University (calendar design: Haley Book and SEM image of Li dendrite, Haesung Jung from ENCL). Link to a relevant paper from our group
2015 Calendar designed by the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Washington University (calendar design: Haley Book and SEM image: Calcium carbonate formation in cement fractures under geologic CO2 sequestration conditions, Qingyun Li from ENCL). Link to a relevant paper from our group.
2014 Calendar designed by the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Washington University (calendar design: Haley Book and SEM image: Calcium carbonate formation on reverse osmosis membrane, Jessica Ray from ENCL).
Cool 3D 2013 Calendar designed by the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Washington University (calendar design: Haley Book and SEM image: Al-goethite formation on biotite edge under Geologic CO2 sequestration conditions, Yandi Hu from ENCL).
Our EECE department brochure for year 2022-2023.
Our EECE department brochure for year 2013-2014. ( photo credit: Ron Klein)
2017 Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering's Faculty Photo! (September 1, 2017)
2015 Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering's Faculty Photo! (August 28th, 2015)
2019 McKelvey School of Engineering Facebook
Top McKelvey Engineering Stories of 2019
Photos from Class
In the classroom for ChE 351 (Chemical Engineering's Sophomore Class). It was the first exam day. They are ready for the exam. (October 2nd, 2012)
In the classroom for ChE 351. It was the final exam day. Thank you, Ryan, Osman, and Chun Soo for wonderful drawings for exams! (December 6th, 2012)
Our Inspiration Photos
Here we are, Environmental NanoChemistry Lab Members! (One summer day, 2016)
The Frontiers (May 2019)
Engineering = Useful Art (October 2016)
Heart of Our Research Principles
Our favorite rabbit at Washington University (April 8, 2014)
A lovely postcard from Dr. Qingyun Li. She made a postcard using Washingon University pictures taken during her doctoral degree. (November 2017)
Something special: Elephant with the Periodic Table at the American Chemical Society
(Year 2002, 2018, and 2023)
2011 Climate Change Special Exhibition at the St. Louis Science Center.
This will be held until mid-May, 2011.
Beautiful but sad artwork in Busan, South Korea, December 2019. Plastics everywhere! What we should do?
Be the Change, ENCL! (March, 2022)
World Water Day 2023 (March 22, 2023): Image from the United Nations World Water Day
Middle and high school students visit the ENCL: Early science and engineering education would help our students have more...
“Moving and Shaking: An Introduction to Engineering” for K-6-8 students (November 6, 2010)
“Moving and Shaking: An Introduction to Engineering” for K-6-8 students (October 22, 2011)
“Moving and Shaking: An Introduction to Engineering” for K-6-8 students (November 10, 2012)
Introduction to Environmental Engineering for high school students and teachers, 2013 Women in Engineering Day (February 23, 2013)
“Moving and Shaking: An Introduction to Engineering” for K-6-8 students (November 9, 2013)
Hands-on Workshop: Introduction to Energy, Environmental & Chemical Engineering for St. Louis's high school female students, 2014 Women in Engineering Event (April 5, 2014)
“Moving and Shaking: An Introduction to Engineering” for K-6-8 students (November 15, 2014)
Hands-on Workshops: Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Nanochemistry for St. Louis's high school female students and teachers (around 100 participants), 2015 Women in Engineering Event
(February 28, 2015)
Do you want to be an engineer? Hands-on Workshops: Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Nanochemistry for St. Louis's high school female students and teachers ( around 120 participants), 2016 Women in Engineering Event (February 27, 2016)
“Moving and Shaking: An Introduction to Engineering” for K-6-8 students. The workshop was a fun for both middle school students and us! (November 5, 2016)
Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Nanochemistry for St. Louis's high school female students and teachers (around 110 participants), 2018 Women in STEM Event (February 24, 2018)
“Moving and Shaking: An Introduction to Engineering” for K-6-8 students. The workshop was a fun for both middle school students and us! (October 6, 2018)
“Introduction to Environmental Challenges and Environmental Engineering”, for middle school students from BrightPath's Young Black Scholars LEAP Program ( October 16, 2021
“Introduction to Environmental Challenges and Environmental Chemistry and Engineering”, for middle school students from BrightPath's Young Black Scholars LEAP Program ( October 21, 2023
Bringing Water-Energy Research to the Classroom
Fall 2013- Present: Cool experiments and new learning! The Jun group works with Ms. Eberle, teacher at Brittany Woods Middle School, St. Louis, and Ms. Ruggirello, faculty at Washington University's Institute for School Partnership for developing science curricula and implementing it in class.
Working with Middle School Teachers for Better Education in St. Louis Area
The second Hot Topic outreach workshop with middle school teachers in St. Louis area.
This is a part of our research group's collaborative efforts with Washington University's Institute for School Partnership on broader impacts of our reseaarch to the society and St. Louis community.
We appreciated the enthusiams of the participants for excellence in education. (July 31, 2015)
Research Opportunities and Learning Experiences from High School Students to Postdoctoral Students
Have you heard these words before?
If not, you will learn these words in ENCL. (Summer in 2011)
Young researchers are always welcome to explore scientific excitement in the ENCL! (Summer in 2012)
Good job! Vanessa Wu (left) and Yue Hui (right) presented their summer research at the Washington University Undergraduate Research Symposium. Both did very good professional presentations! Yue and Vanessa received the 2015 Undergraduate Summer Research Fellowship supported by the Office of Undergraduate Research. (October 10, 2015)
Good job! Congratulations to you all! Undergraduate intern students presented their summer research projects at the EECE's Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium. Gabby Won a 3rd prize for her presentation. (July 27-28, 2016)
Synchrotron-Based X-ray Experiments at the Advanced Photon Source at the Argonne National Laboratory
(Sector 12ID-B, June 2014)
Prof. Jun serves as the Progrom Chair of Division of Geochemistry at the American Chemical Society (Tweets from Profs. Dzombak and Peters on August 19, 2015)
Prof. Jun with Prof. Navrotsky at UC Davis at the ACS meeting in Philly.
(August 23, 2016)
Prof. Jun with President Mote of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering. Thank you, President Mote, for your inspiration and vision for Engineering!
(EU-US Frontier of Engineering Symposium, Finland, October 17, 2016)
Prof. Jun with Prof. Cynthia Friend at Harvard University during ACS meeting in San Francisco, April 4, 2017. Congratulations to Prof. Friend on receiving the ACS Award in Surface Chemistry!
Prof. Jun with Prof. Mike Hoffmann at Caltech during Applied Environmental Nanotechnology Symposium in Hong Kong.
(June 1, 2017)
Prof. Jun with Chancellor Wrighton, an inspriting leader during the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE) visit (November 17, 2019)
Connecting to the World through International Collaborations
Seoul National University's President Office on December 15, 2014
As the McDonnell International Academy Ambassador to Seoul National University, Prof. Jun (right) met with President Nak-In Sung (middle) and International Affairs Dean Jong-Ho Jeong (left). Seoul National University
The McDonnell International Academy's Seoul National University Scholars' Summer Gathering on July 25, 2016
Prof. Jun is the McDonnell Ambassador to Seoul National University.
McDonnell International Scholars Academy's Open House at Seoul National University on May 23, 2017
Catching up with 2016 MAGEEP Summer Internship Fellows at Seoul National University, May 23, 2017.
School of Environmental Science and Engineering at Pohang University of Science and Technology, Korea, in June 2015
Prof. Jun visited postech during her sabbatical semester. From Left to Right: Professors Wonyong Choi, Kitack Lee, Young-Shin Jun, and Yoon-Seok Chang. Pohang University of Science and Technology
Understanding Industrial Needs and Challenges
Calera Corporation in Moss Landing Facility on May 29, 2015
Prof. Jun visited Calera Corporation (headquarters In Los Gatos and R&D facility in Moss Landing). (Left) Dr. Martin Devenney and (Right) Dr. Ryan Gilliam
The ENCL Group Photos
Group Lunch (May 3, 2023). We are celebrating our successful spring semester! We did well, ENCL!
from ENCLers (April 2023)
Group Reunion during 2022 AEESP conference (June 29, 2022). So great to see you all in person! Welcome home!
Our first group picture without masks since COVID-19 (May 20, 2022). Congratulations, Yaguang, Deoukchen, and Zhenwei!
Our new normal group meeting (September 24, 2021)
Happy Lunar New Year! (Virtual Group Meeting on February 12, 2021)
ENCL, We are stronger together! (Virtual Group Meeting and Celebration for Dr. Wu on April 17, 2020)
ENCL BBQ Party at Shaw Park on June 28, 2019.
ENCL Group Picture in Brauer Hall on June 24, 2019.
ENCL at the ACS meeting in Orlando, March 31, 2019
A picture before the outreach program. October 6, 2018
ENCL Group Dinner to celebrate achievements of Wonwoo and to welcome new members (Prof. Rao, Eunyoung, and Dennis) at Blue Elephant on August 31, 2018.
ENCL Group Dinner to celebrate achievements of our summer research fellows (Jason, Brandon, James, Wonwoo, and Hawon) at Lu Lu on July 26, 2018.
ENCL BBQ Party at Shaw Park on July 2, 2018.
Prof. Jessica Ray (2015 ENCL alumna) and Prof. Jun at the Gordon Conference on June 28, 2018.
We celebrated Dr. Lijie Zhang's graduation (April 30, 2018). Best wishes for Dr. Zhang! Special Thanks to Zhenwei, Yaguang, and Deoukchen for organizing the event for celebrating Dr. Zhang's achievement.
The ENCL visited culture-rich New Orleans! (Cafe Du Monde in March 2018)
We moved to a brand-new, bigger lab in Brauer 2029 (February 26-27, 2018)
Remember precious moments in Brauer 1035 (February 27, 2018)
Dr. Jessica Ray (graduated in 2015) visited us (December 28, 2017)
We celebrated Dr. Haesung Jung graduation (December 18, 2017). Dr. Jung will work at Georgia Tech for a postdoctoral position. Best wishes for Dr. Jung! Special Thanks to Zhenwei, Yaguang, and Deoukchen for organizing multiple events for celebrating Dr. Jung's achievement.
Dr. Qingyun Li (graduated in 2016) visited us (November 5, 2017)
ENCL BBQ Party at Shaw Park on July 10, 2017.
Commencement Day, May 18-19, 2017
Congratulations! Doyoon, Haesung, Lijie, Yue, Emily, Wesley, Gabby, and Melanie walked on the commencement day.
The ENCL was in Sunny San Francisco! April 2017.
Our proud ENCL alumna, Dr. Ray visited us. Welcome! January 4, 2017.
Happy Holidays! Best wishes to you all in year 2017! December 22, 2016.
You are our Star! Happy Birthday, Haesung and Xuanhao! October 2016.
Summer research missions are accomplished! The ENCL in the Demar Loop on August 25, 2016.
ENCL BBQ Party at Shaw Park on June 27, 2016
Commencement Day, May 20, 2016
Congratulations! Qingyun and Yujia walked on the commencement day
Dean Bobick-ENCL on May 2, 2016
when the ENCL met with the Dean of the School of Engineering.
ACS-ENCL Social Gathering on March 14, 2016
During ACS Spring Meeting in San Diego, the ENCL gathered and a famous Basic Pizza in San Diego. Great to see you Jessica and Chelsea!
Chelsea's farewell group meeting on February 8, 2016
We had a special group meeting and farewell dinner to celebrate her new position at U.S. EPA. Best wishes to Chelsea! Special thanks to Xuanhao, Zongsen, and Doyoon for organizing the farewell events.
ENCL Holiday Dinner on December 21st, 2015
ENCL, wish all of your new year resolutions come true and are happier inyear 2016. Best wishes for you all!
ENCL Women Engieeres on September 17, 2015
Happy Birthday, Doyoon! and Jessica! This is also the last day for Jessica with ENCL. In front of the Brauer Hall where we spend most of our time. August 6, 2015
Jessica's farewell dinner: The ENCL in the Demar Loop on July 24, 2015. Jessica starts her postdoctoral position at UCBerkeley. Special thanks to Haesung and Lijie for organizing the farewell dinner.
Chelsea's Ph.D. Celebration: The ENCL at the Forest Park on June 5, 2015
Commencement Day, May 15, 2015
Congratulations! Jessica and Chelsea walked on the commencement day.
The most COOL picture Ever! The ENCL in March 2015
ENCL Holiday Dinner at Wasabi Sushi on December 22nd, 2014
ENCL, job well-done in 2014. Let's do even better in Year 2015. Wish all of your new year resolutions come true. Best wishes for you all!
ENCL BBQ Party at Forest Park on July 18, 2014
ENCL at Forest Park on July 18, 2014. Great BBQ teamwork and friendship!
Group meeting on April 28, 2014
Dr. Liu's farewell dinner on February 21, 2014
The ENCL group had a farewell dinner for Dr. Xuyang Liu. Dr. Liu will work in industry in Houston. Best Wishes for you and your family!
Yi's farewell party at Chelsea's on January 14, 2014 (Thank you, Chelsea!)
The ENCL group had a farewell party for Dr. Yi Yang. Yi will work at University of Copenhagen for his postdoc position. Best Wishes! We will miss you, Yi!
Yi's farewell Potluck on January 14, 2014
We learned that all ENCL members are really good cooks! Thanks to Dr. Yang! Utilizing his weirdly cooked beef, Dr. Yang demonstrated one of the best examples of collagen thin-section. This will be useful for our biomineralization research. Ha Ha!
Dr. Yang's Birthday Party on November 19, 2013
The ENCL Group Photo for "Engineering Momentum" on September 24, 2013. From left to right (front): Lijia, Jessica, Prof. Jun, Dr. Liu, and Chelsea; (back): Haesung, Doyoon, Dr. Yang, Yujia, and Qingyun.
The ENCL group members on August 23, 2013
Guess who we are! Qingyun's white board drawing.
Summer Birthday Party on August 7, 2013
Happy Birthdays to Jessica Ray, Doyoon Kim, and Dr. Xuyang Liu!
Summer Mentor-Mentee Lunch on July 11, 2013
From left to right: Qingyun Li (Matt's mentor), Justin Nauman, Doyoon Kim (Claire's mentor), Matthew Decuir, Jessica Ray (Justin's mentor), Claire Dang, and Prof. Young-Shin Jun
Yandi's farewell BBQ party on June 14, 2013
From front left: Dr. Yandi Hu, Prof. Young-Shin Jun, Dabin Choe, Doyoon Kim, Dr. Xuyang Liu, Jason Liu, From back left: Jessica Ray, Lijie Zhang, Haesung Zhang, Yujia Min, Qingyun Li, Yi Yang, and Chelsea Neil. In this picture, we missed Matt Decuir, Justin Nauman, and Claire Dang.
The ENCL group had a farewell BBQ party for Yandi. Yandi recently received her Ph.D. degree, and she will be soon-to-be Professor Hu at the University of Houston! Best Wishes! We will miss you, Yandi!
Group Celebration Gathering on May 17, 2013
The ENCL group had a celebration of many things. Dr. Liu, Doyoon, Haesung, and Lijie joined our group; Yandi and Yi walked the commencement day, Yandi got the faculty position offer from the University of Houston, and Jessica got the department research award. Happy to celebrate many good things of our group.
Commencement Day, May 17, 2013
Yi and Yandi walked on the commencement day.
Before Group Meeting on March 20, 2013
The ENCL group had a celebration of Prof. Jun's promotion and tenure. Front (from left to right): Pro. Young-Shin Jun, Jessica Ray, Chelsea Neil, Doyoon Kim, Haesung Jung, Qingyun Li, and Yandi Hu.
NSF MGI workshop in Arlington, February 21, 2013
New Year Group Dinner on January 7, 2013
Happy New Year! We wish all of your new year resolutions come true in 2013. Front (from left to right): Jessica Ray, Chelsea Neil, Yandi Hu, Qingyun Li, Yujia Min, Yi Yang, and Back (from left to right): Young-Shin Jun, Doyoon Kim, Haesung Jung, and Lijie Zhang.
Korean Chemical Society's Environmental Energy Chemistry Division Symposium on December 14, 2012
In the picture, Prof. Jun was introducing the ENCL to the audience.
Group picture during AGU meeting on December 6, 2012
Yandi, Jessica, Yi, and Prof. Jun presented at the AGU meeting in san Francisco.
Group picture on November 30, 2012
(Left to Right) Front: Prof. Young-Shin Jun, Jessica Ray, Yandi Hu, Chelsea Neil, (back) Lijie Zhang, Qingyun Li, Yujia Min, Doyoon Kim, Yi Yang
Group lunch on June 18, 2012
(Left to Right) Chelsea Neil, Jessica Ray, Whitney Wong, Young-Shiun Jun, Jena Lococo, Yandi Hu, Qingyun Li, Yujia Min, Yi Yang
Group dinner after the groupmeeting on March 23, 2012
(Left to Right) Front: Young-Shiun Jun, Yandi Hu, Jessica Ray, Chelsea Neil, and Yi Yang; back: Yujia Min and Doyoon Kim (visiting student)
Group picture after the last groupmeeting in 2011 (December 22, 2011)
(Left to Right) Chelsea Neil, Young-Shin Jun, Yandi Hu, Jessica Ray,Yi Yang, and Qingyun Li. Let's keep it up good work in 2012 too!
Amy's Farewell Pizza time (July 28, 2011)
(Left to Right) Young-Shin Jun, Amy Miller, Yi Yang, Dabin Choe, Chris Bell, Chelsea Neil, and Yandi Hu. Best wishes for Amy. During the
Summer Research Mentor and Mentee Lunch (June 8, 2011)
(Left to Right) Yandi, Jessica, Rachel, and Chris. Summer research projects should be enjoyable and productive if there are good mentors and mentees!
2011 Dr. Hongbo Shao's Farewell Party (April 23, 2011)
(Left to Right) Max (Dr. Shao's son), Hongbo Shao, Young-Shin Jun, Yi Yang, Daniel Garcia, Vrajesh Mehta, Jessica Ray, Chelsea Neil, and Yandi Hu.
Best Wishes for Dr. Shao's Career and Life! She will work at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.
2010 ENCL Group Holiday Dinner (December 21, 2010)
Top (Left to Right) Hongbo Shao, Anca Timofte, Daniel Garcia, Young-Shin Jun, Jessica Ray, Yi Yang, Vrajesh Mehta, and Yandi Hu. Unfortunately, Chelsea Neil was not able to join us. Everyone, we did great this year. Let's rock next year too
2010 Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium (October 23, 2010)
Daniel was presenting his CO2 sequestration project. He can be a serious scientist and engineer! Good job!
Pasta feast! We had St. Louis's famous toasted ravioli! Special thanks to Christian! (July 27, 2010)
Happy Birthday Christian! (Left to Right) Eric Hsu, Daniel Garcia, Yandi Hu, Teddy Bear, Christian Ronzio, Yi Yang, Hongbo Shao, Young-Shin Jun, Jessica Ray (July 15, 2010 at Bruaer Hall 1035, our new lab!)
Green Gen visit at Washington University. Welcome!
(July 8, 2010 at Bruaer Hall 3015 and 1035)
(Left) Kathleen and Yandi are preparing the SAXS/GISAXS cell; (Right) Jessica is ready to shoot x-ray on samples (February 18-21, 2010 at APS sector 12 IDC)
Alex is aligning a sample. Let's get a good Yoneda Wing! (February 18-21, 2010)
2009 Holiday Group Dinner, Blue Elephant , Clayton (December 16, 2009)
Halloween Group Meeting (October 29, 2009)
Back row (Left to Right): Yi Yang, Yiqun Zheng
Front row: Kathleen O'Malley, Jessica Ray, Hongbo Shao, Yandi Hu, Anca Timofte, and Young-Shin Jun. Special thanks to Kathleen! She cooked these cute cupcakes!
2009 Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium (October 24, 2009)
Ryan was presenting his CO2 sequestration project. Indeed, his poster was very popular.
2009 Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium (October 24, 2009)
Anca was presenting her aldicarb soil sorption project. Her presentation was excellent! She is a promising young scientist.
2009 Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium (October 24, 2009)
Peter was presenting his AFM experimental results. He made a very good poster.
2009 Fall Undergraduate Research Symposium (October 24, 2009).
We are so proud of you all!
Summer Group Lunch (July 2, 2009)
Back row (Left to Right): Peter Colletti, Yi Yang, Ryan Matos
Front row: Young-Shin Jun, Alex Rutx, Jessica Ray, Kathleen O'Malley, Liz Godar, Hongbo Shao
Congratulations on Kathleen and Jessica's graduation! (May 15, 2009)
Anca's 1st research presentation at the Undergraduate Research Symposium
Research must be a fun for her! (April 25, 2009)

2008 Holiday Group Dinner (December 04, 2008)

Back row: Peter Colletti, Ryan Matos, Wei Wan, Young-Shin Jun
Front row: Anca Timofte, Kathleen O'Malley, Jessica Ray, Hongbo Shao