2008 Ralph E. Powe Junior Faculty Enhancement Award 2011 U.S. National Science Foundation's CAREER Award 2012 Emerging Investigator (by the Royal Society of Chemistry) Fall 2013 WUStL Engineering Momentum Prof. Jun's profile 2014 Environmental Science & Technology's Top Science Paper 2015 Kavli Fronters of Science Fellow (by the US National Academy of Science) 2016 Frontiers of Engineering Fellow (by the US National Academy of Engineering) 2018 Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (Chemistry) 2019 Fellow of the American Chemical Society (Chemistry) 2020 James M. Lee Memorial Award (Chemical Engineering) 2021 ACS ES&T Engineering Excellence in Review Award (Environmental Science & Engineering) 2022 AEESP Distinguished Service Award (Environmental Science & Engineering) 2022 Marion L. and Chrystie M. Jackson Mid-Career Clay Scientist Award (Geochemistry) The 2025 Distinguished Women in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
Young-Shin Jun, Ph.D. Professor of the Department of Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering at Washington University in St. Louis. Harold D. Jolley Professorship (2014- 2017) Director of Graduate Studies (January 2013-January 2019) of the Department of Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis McDonnell Academy's Ambassador to Seoul National University (2013-Present) NOBCChE Faculty Advisor for Washington University’s student chapter: NOBCChE is the National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (2011-Present) The first Faculty Fellow of the Institute for School Partnership (2011-Present) Chair of the American Chemical Society's Committee on Science (2025-Present). She served the Chair of Science & Technology Subcommittee (2020-2024) and a member (2017-2019). Alternative Councilor of the American Chemical Society's Environmental Chemistry Division (2025-2027); She also serves on the International Affairs Committee and Nomination Committee. Past Division Chair (2017), Division Chair (2016), Program Chair (2015), and Program Chair-Elect (2014) of the Geochemistry Division of the American Chemical Society Advisory Board (2016-Present) and Editorial Board (2013-2015) of Royal Society of Chemistry's Journal: Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts Editorial Board of RSC Advances (Royal Society of Chemistry, 2019-Present) Editorial Advisory Board of ACS ES&T: Engineering (American Chemical Society, 2020- present) Editorial Board of Current Opinion in Chemical Engineering (Elsevier Journal, 2021-present) Editorial Board of the Journal of Hazardous Materials (Elsevier Journal, 2019-2022) Editorial Board of Geochemical Transactions (Springer Nature Journal, 2016-2023) Inaugural Editorial Board of the Environmental Engineering, Scientific Reports (Nature, 2022-2023) |
Harvard University, Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences (Environmental Chemistry), Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Cambridge, MA, USA
2005 |
Harvard University, S.M. in Engineering Sciences (Environmental Chemistry), Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Cambridge, MA, USA
2003 |
Ewha Womans University, M.S. in Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Seoul, South Korea
1999 |
Ewha Womans University, B.S. in Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Seoul, South Korea
1997 |
Professional Experiences
Washington University in St. Louis, Professor in the Department of Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering, St. Louis, MO (2017-Present, early promotion) Herold D. Jolley Professorship (2014-2017) Associate Professor in the Department of Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering, St. Louis, MO (2013-2017, early promotion) Assistant Professor in the Department of Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering, St. Louis, MO (2008-2013)
University of California at Berkeley / Lawrenece Berkeley National Laboratory, Postoctoral Research Fellow , Molecular Geochemistry and Nanogeoscience, Berkeley, CA USA
Investigation on molecular issues related to environmental chemical kinetics, especially as related to geochemical cycling of elements and the fate and the transport of contaminants. Development of new experimental techniques in environmental kinetics. Investigation on the nucleation and growth of nanoparticles. Collaboration with CEKA(Center of Environmental Kinetic Analysis: Environmental Molecular Science Institute Project) at Penn state University |
2005-2007 |
Harvard University, Graduate Research Fellow , Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Cambridge, MA, USA
Investigation on dissolution and precipitation of minerals in aquatic environment. Development of chemical tools for building mineral structures at the nanoscale. |
2000-2005 |
Ministry of Environment, Officer , Department of Environment-International Affairs, Seoul, South Korea
Making a bulletin (English), “Green Korea 2000.” |
2000 |
Ewha Womans University, Graduate Research Fellow, Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Seoul, South Korea
Development of treatment methods for fluorine containing and high turbidity wastewater, sponsored by LG Metal, Inc. and Korean Research Foundation. Chemical analysis of wastewaters, sponsored by Motorola, Inc. Development of new adsorbent materials for heavy metal ions using natural manganese nodules. |
1997-1999 |
Professional Society Memberships
Member of the Clay Minerals Society | 2013, 2016-Present |
American Institute of Chemical Engineers | 2009, Present |
Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors | 2008-Present |
American Association for the Advancement of Science | 2008-2010, 2016-Present |
Center for Materials Innovation (Washington University) | 2008-2013 |
Association of Women Faculty (Washington University) | 2008-Present |
Committee on the Advancement of Women Chemists | 2007-Present |
American Crystallographic Association | 2006-2007, 2011 |
Berkreley Nanotechnology Club | 2006-2007 |
Americal Geophysical Union (AGU) | 2005-Present |
Harvard Graduate Women in Science and Engineering (WGWISE) | 2005 |
American Physical Society | 2005 |
Mineralogical Society of America | 2003-Present |
American Chemical Society | 2002-Present |